A Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Filozófiai Intézetének Filozófiatörténet és Eszmetörténet Osztálya szeretettel meghív minden érdeklődőt az

Ancient and Modern Selves: Tension or Complementarity?

című online nemzetközi konferenciára.

Időpont: 2021. április 16. (péntek), 8:55-17:30.

The notion of the self is not only a hotly contested topic of debate in modern ethics, but it is unclear whether the ancients at all possessed a clearly formulated concept of it. The work of Pierre Hadot and Michel Foucault on spiritual exercises and the transformation of the self has stimulated some important recent work on the problems of the self in Hellenistic philosophy. Several important scholars and philosophers (like Brad Inwood, Christopher Gill, Charles Taylor and Bernard Williams) have argued, however, that our view of ancient thinkers on the self is profoundly distorted by the Cartesian subjective-individualist model of selfhood typical of modernity.

Our modern notion of the self tends to be subjective and private, based on interiority and self-consciousness, as opposed to Antiquity, where the self was generally defined in epistemologically and ethically relevant contexts, in terms of non-Cartesian categories. This opposition raises questions about early modern self-conceptions. Should we see early modern references to ancient pagan or Christian authors as documents of a cultural code, a taste for antiquity, a way of conceiving some original ideas in terms of some classical traditions? Or do they represent a genuine return to a real source of inspiration? Do these points of contact mark opposition, tension or continuity?

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ancient and modern selves tension or complementarity

Az előadások absztraktjai itt érhetőek el.

A konferencia programja:

08.55-09.00: Megnyitó

09.00-10.00: Jason W. Carter: Aristotle and the Cartesian Self

10.00-10.15: Kávészünet

10.15-11.15: Vili Lähteenmäki: Descartes on Subjects and Selves

11.15-11.30: Kávészünet

11.30-12.30: Simon Shogry: The Stoics on Perceiving Other Selves

12.30-14.00: Ebédszünet

14.00-15.00: Andreas Blank: The Morality of the Desire for Esteem: Gassendi and the Augustinian Challenge

15.00-15.15: Kávészünet

15.15-16.15: Tamer Nawar: Augustine on Self-Knowledge and the Mind

16.15-16.30: Kávészünet

16.30-17.30: Ursula Renz: For the Depths of his own Heart are Inscrutable to him” – Kant’s Skepticism Regarding Self-Knowledge of our Moral Motives

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